We are happy to offer the following residential tree services in the areas surrounding: Ottertail, Alexandria, St. Cloud, Anoka, Rochester, and Mankato
Tree Trimming & Tree Removal
Aerial Basket Tree Trimming & Tree Removal
Our Certified Arborists are trained to provide professional tree trimming and tree removal practices from individuals where aerial baskets are needed. Most of our aerial baskets have the capability of reaching 75 feet high, but they are capable of aiding in the removal of much taller trees. Given the many different situations, aerial basket tree removals aid in employee safety and protection against property damage.

Crane Assisted Tree Removal
We understand that our customers want to avoid yard damage from heavy machinery. When access to the tree is a problem or the tree is too unstable to rig down safely, our Certified Arborists use a crane to remove the tree in pieces. We choose cranes based on the size of the tree; from 38 tons for smaller trees to 175 tons for larger trees.

Tree Climbing Specialist
Our trained climbing ISA Certified Arborists can help with any tree service in any location. When a bucket cannot access the tree’s area, our climbing specialists can safely and efficiently access the tree. Our specialists never use climbing spikes to climb except when performing tree removal. Spikes leave open wounds that spread disease, which can damage the tree and can often lead to its death.

Tree Cabling
We offer both static and dynamic tree cabling services to reduce stress in trees that may be damaged from high winds, the weight of ice or snow, heavy foliage, or are prone to failure.
Our static tree cabling systems are made of steel. These systems are used primarily for trees that are at the highest risk of failure and need extra strength to reduce stress. Our dynamic tree cabling systems are more flexible. These systems allow for more natural tree movement while still providing enough support to reduce the risk of failure.
If you're not sure whether your tree needs a static or dynamic tree cabling system, one of our Certified Arborists can help determine what system best fits your tree's needs.
Tree Pruning
Pruning trees can be tedious, time-consuming, or impossible to the average person. We provide the following tree pruning services:
Offered to residents in: Ottertail, Alexandria, Rochester, St. Cloud, and Mankato, Minnesota
We will NOT perform Topping or Lion’s Tailing pruning, as these practices can harm your tree.
Plant & Tree Diseases
Trees are living organisms, and they get sick from time to time due to site conditions, insect damage, or tree diseases. Think of our ISA Certified Arborist like a tree doctor who is always here to help.
Our Certified Arborist will:

Emergency Storm Tree Removal
At Carr’s Tree Service, we deliver on our promises. We have experience in organizing and dispatching professionally trained Certified Arborists throughout Minnesota when we’re hit with powerful storms.
When you call on us for an emergency tree removal, tree trimming, treatment, or whatever the emergency entails, be assured that our crews will be ready. Emergencies can be trying and hectic, but our ISA Certified Arborists are qualified with all necessary credentials, following all ANSI and OSHA standards to ensure the work is completed safely.
Chemical Application
From stumps to oak tree treatment to emerald ash borer treatment and right-of-ways, we’re fully licensed applicators. We use environmentally tested and safe chemicals for this aspect of vegetation management. Please contact us or inquire about any spray applications you may have.
Hauling or Chipping
We have equipment available to handle any cleanup or lot clearing work that needs to be done. Our loader trucks consist of a 20-foot boom arm with a grapple that can remove both logs and brush piles in a quick and effective manner. Brush can also be chipped with our brush chippers. Our brush chippers can handle branches 4”-20” pieces in diameter. You can use the wood chips for mulching around trees, plants, and landscaped areas.
Hydro Axing & Brush Mowing
When doing line clearance, lot clearing projects, or cutting a trail through the woods, our hydro axing and brush mowing equipment can get the job done quickly. These machines can handle material up to 10” in diameter and give the cleanest cut.
Stump Grinding
Stump grinding is an easy way to rid your yard of stumps that result in suckers popping up year after year. Stump grinding leaves a minimal mess and hole compared to a backhoe or other large equipment. Our stump grinders vary in size and are capable of getting into hard to reach places. The stump grinders also leave minimal footprints on one’s yard. A new tree should not be planted in place of the old stump because the old root system is still in place.
Carr’s Tree Service will have the utilities marked wherever applicable prior to performing stump grinding.
ISA Certified Arborist Tree Consultations
We have multiple ISA Certified Arborists on staff to help answer your questions. We will review your property and create a plan with you to address any problems your trees have.